When selling your home in Kansas City, you will obviously want to get a great price for it. However you don't want to price too high, and scare off potential buyers, nor do you want to price too low, losing out on thousands of dollars.
There are proven methods and strategies we would like to share in this article. Keep reading to learn how to set your asking price.
Do some research and find out what comparable homes are selling for in your area. Take a look at seasonal trends, and if you have the time, list your house at a time of year when prices are typically higher. Look up homes that are actively listed on the MLS, Zillow and for sale by owner sites.
Take note of how long the properties have been listed.
If a home has been on the market for awhile, it is likely priced too high. Think about supply and demand, if there are many homes on the market, buyers will be at an advantage.
In addition, you can ask a couple of realtors for a more detailed CMA. (Comparative Market Analysis.) Many realtors will offer this free of charge, as a marketing technique. Requesting a CMA should not put you under any obligation to the realtor. Who knows, they might even have a buyer for you.
Know Your Market